About the Team

Alan Fadling
Alan Fadling (MDiv) is a founding partner of Unhurried Living, Inc. in Mission Viejo, CA. He writes and speaks as an expert in the challenge of hurry in contemporary life and work and how to overcome it.
He consults and coaches leaders and their organizations in the U.S. and around the world, helping them work towards long-term productivity that lasts rather than settling for quick fixes that don’t.
He is the award-winning author of six books including An Unhurried Life, An Unhurried Leader and A Non-Anxious Life. To connect with Alan and find resources for soul care and leadership, visit unhurriedliving.com or find him on LinkedIn.

Gem Fadling
Gem Fadling is a founding partner of Unhurried Living. She is a trained Spiritual Director and a Certified Life Coach who trains people at the intersection of spiritual leadership and soul care.
Gem is the co-host of the Unhurried Living Podcast as well as the author of Hold That Thought and co-author of What Does Your Soul Love? Her work has appeared in Propel Women and Our Daily Bread.
To connect with Gem and find resources for soul care and leadership, visit unhurriedliving.com or find her on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Kara Yuza
Executive Assistant
Kara is an organizational guru who thrives on being behind the scenes putting all the pieces and parts together to execute Christlike moments within every speaking engagement and event.
She crafted these skills while working for various churches, universities, and non-profit organizations. She enjoys helping others see how Christ is moving in their lives in all the not-so-obvious ways. [Email Kara].

Matt Fogle
Organizational Development
Matt is a trained Spiritual Director through Sustainable Faith’s two-year journey. He also has two Master’s degrees in Organizational Leadership and in Spiritual Formation.
For over ten years Matt has been a pastor as well as a speaker and retreat facilitator. He has worked with multiple non-profits in the areas of leadership development and spiritual formation.You can connect with Matt on LinkedIn or at rhythm.community [Email Matt].

Brenda Renderos
Content Development
Brenda is a transformation life coach (ICF Approved) and holds a B.A. in Christian Studies. She has served and been employed in various areas of ministry in leadership, soul care, speaking and teaching as well as guiding interns exploring vocational ministry.
Brenda has led spiritual retreats, provided soul care workshops, and has trained small group and global outreach leaders. Her life mission is to partner with people finding greater life balance and holistic health. Find Brenda online and follow her on Instagram.

Voices to Connect
Speaking Agents
Jessica Lalley & Julie Shaffner are the duo behind Voices to Connect, a trusted bridge between top speakers and organizations who need to hear them.
They steward the influence of thought leaders by activating, elevating and accelerating their message, platform and work.
Leveraging their industry knowledge and wide network, their services include consulting, brand strategy, speaking engagements, book launches, establishment of strategic connections and partnership development. [Voices to Connect]

Don Gates
Literary Agent
Don is the founder and principal of The Gates Group, a multi-faceted communications agency in the Christian ministry space. Don works with well-known pastors, authors and ministry leaders on a variety of ministry and business endeavors.
Prior to starting his own venture, Don was the Vice President of Marketing for Zondervan, the leading Christian communications company and a division of News Corporation (HarperCollins, Fox, WSJ, etc.). [Email Don].

Amy Nemecek
Publication Editor
Amy is a lover of words and of Jesus, the Living Word. She is a West Michigan native who edits nonfiction trade books for a major Christian publisher.
As someone who has cherished books from her earliest childhood, Amy delights to serve the church through helping craft quality publications that will cause readers to grow deep faith roots.
Amy is married to Sean and they have an adult son, Ben. She is also a published poet who encourages other writers as a member of the planning committee for the Breathe Christian Writers Conference. [LinkedIn Page]

Joel Limbauan
Audio/Video Production
Joel is a storyteller at heart. He is the founder of On a Limb Productions, a video and podcast production company based outside Philadelphia.
He loves working with people who have good Kingdom stories to tell, crafting them into compelling pieces that catch people’s eyes and ears with the gospel.
He likes to go out on a limb to help people tell the stories that need to be told. He and his wife Kelley live in Lansdale, PA. [On a Limb Productions]

Belinda Kent
Belinda is a trained accountant and tax preparer (a certified enrolled agent with the IRS) who has owned her own tax and accounting firm since 2006.
She holds a Masters in Pastoral Ministry and is a trained Spiritual Director. She served eight years as a missionary in the jungles of Papua New Guinea with her husband (where they raised their four children) and they now reside near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where they are active with a church plant among people with drug addictions and generational poverty. [Email Belinda]

Kirsten Doukas
Graphic Design & Layout
Kirsten is a freelance graphic, interactive and website designer based in the Denver area.
She is a wife and homeschooling mom-of-one, and a leader within her church community. She enjoys capturing visually the style and heart of each project in a way that brings life and clarity, and ultimately draws people into a deeper relationship with the Lord. [Pastel Black Design]

Dr. Mark Schweitzer
Print Media
Mark is a hospice chaplain who also trains hospice chaplains, and he expresses his creativity through graphic design and custom printing.
He serves UL with all kinds of printing projects through his company, Graphic Impact, which specializes in non-profit ministries while also working with businesses of any size. [Email Mark].
Our Associates are pastors, spiritual directors and coaches who can support you in many and various ways. Click the button below to learn more.
Meet Our AssociatesOur Vision
Vision: We inspire Christian leaders around the world to rest deeper so they can live fuller and lead better.
Purpose: We resource busy people so they can rediscover the genius of Jesus’ unhurried way of life and leadership.
Mission: We provide content and training that helps people lead from fullness rather than leading on empty. We help leaders walk and work with God, instead of serving at a distance. We do this by…
- LIVING all that we are learning so we share with others from experience and wisdom.
- DEVELOPING digital, print and video content that encourages the practices of an unhurried life.
- TRAINING people in Jesus’ unhurried way of living and leading.
Many leaders are hurried, and hurry is costing them more than they realize. They experience life and work becoming more productive, more sustainable and more satisfying.
Busy is a matter of calendar. Hurry is a matter of soul.
Built on more than thirty years of experience at the intersection of spiritual formation and leadership development, Unhurried Living seeks to inspire Christian leaders around the world to rest deeper so they can live fuller and lead better.
Spiritual leadership is the influence that grows in the life of a leader being transformed by the power of God's Spirit. Spiritual leadership is learning to robustly practice spiritual disciplines that deepen the roots of leaders in the love of God.
Effective spiritual leaders learn to experience the depths of God's love so they know how to lead others into those same depths. Such leadership bears the fruit of transformed lives and expanded kingdom influence.
REST DEEPER: Why do I so often feel more drained than energized? Can I find space for my soul to breathe?
LIVE FULLER: I have tried to fill my life with achievements, possessions, and popularity, and I feel emptier than ever. Where can I find fullness that lasts?
LEAD BETTER: How can I step off the treadmill of mere busyness and make real, meaningful progress in my life and work?
Rediscover the genius of Jesus' unhurried way of life and leadership.
Our Faith
We believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic* Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
*catholic here means universal
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