Donate to Unhurried Living
Together, we’ll develop a community of leaders around the world who rest deeper, live fuller and lead better.
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Spiritual mentoring and coaching is essential in helping Christian leaders to thrive. Opportunity for ongoing care for the hearts and souls of leaders is rare.
The current world culture is making it increasingly difficult for Christian leaders to thrive. They are tired, over-worked and lonely.
For as little as $25 per month, you can help Christian leaders around the world receive the mentoring, training and inspiration they need as they continue to serve others.
3 Ways to Support the Mission of Unhurried Living
Mail-In Donations
Make checks payable to Unhurried Living
Unhurried Living, Inc.
22365 El Toro Road #118
Lake Forest, CA 92630-5053
Recurring Donation
One-Time Donation
Our I.R.S. tax I.D. number is 81-2220486 (for foundation and charitable fund donations)
A big thank you to Zapier for their generous non-profit discount to Unhurried Living.
Download Our 2023 I.R.S. 990 Return
From Our Partners
I support Unhurried Living because I have benefited from learning the spiritual practices to deepen my relationship with God resulting in joy and transcendent peace. This allows me the spiritual nourishment to be a conduit of grace and let the overflow of God's love flow into the lives of those within my circle of influence at work, school, family and church. This is a much-needed message in our task oriented culture where we can easily allow busyness to consume us, leaving God behind.
-Tom T.
The work and impact of Unhurried Living has been transformative to us. We are honored to invest in their work so that others have the same opportunity for authentic Christian transformation. The validity of their work is evident to us as they share the same message of the life and rhythms of Christ in whatever culture around the world they find themselves serving.
- Jeff & Mary L.
As we witness leaders fall and fail on an ongoing basis, the need for a strong foundation and healthy rhythms is critical for leaders to be strengthened and to finish well. We choose to be supporters of this long-overlooked message and, Unhurried Living delivers it better than any other organization we have encountered.
- Doug & Sabrina F.
Together, we’ll develop a community of leaders around the world who rest deeper, live fuller and lead better.
Our Mission

Unhurried Living is a community of partners who serve Christians of influence around the world by providing content and training that helps people lead from fullness rather than leading on empty. We help people walk and work with God, instead of serving at a distance.
With more than 30 years of experience at the intersection of spiritual formation and leadership, Alan & Gem Fadling launched Unhurried Living in 2016. Since then, our podcast has reached listeners in 145 different nations. We have visited and trained leaders in India, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Rwanda, Russia, the Dominican Republic, and North America. Hundreds of students from all over the world have been engaged in our online courses, memberships and groups.
We believe God calls us all to follow the genius of Jesus’ unhurried way of life and work. That’s the work of Unhurried Living. You can join this work by becoming part of the Unhurried Living Partner Community.
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Learn to live and work better with less hurry.