

Reflection Cards
Group Coaching
Free Resources
Mini Courses

The Unhurried Living Library

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Cultivate your life and leadership from the inside out in these 90-minute classes. 

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Online Group Coaching

Learn more about the various coaching programs offered by Alan & Gem. There's something for everyone!

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Reflection Cards

Inviso Reflection Card Set

20 image cards. Three Reflection questions for each card (total of 60 questions). Instruction with ideas for personal, professional and group use. A spiritual practice using contemplative imagery. Inviso combines beautiful photography and thoughtful reflection questions. Engage with God in a fresh and inspiring way.

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FREE Growth Resources


Unhurried Time with God

Unhurried time alone with God is a way of talking about the spiritual practices of solitude and silence. This practice of regularly pulling back from our usual rhythms of life and work can breathe life into our souls and keep us refreshed for our long journey of life. 

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Unhurried Daily

Join this 40-day email journey to rediscover the genius of Jesus' unhurried way of life and leadership. 

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Annual Examen:

Isaiah 61

A daily examen is a practice whereby we reflect prayerfully on the experiences of our day to watch for God’s presence, God’s action, God’s grace. This resource is meant to give you some windows through which to look back over a year rather than simply one day.

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Retreats: What Are They and Why Take Them?

Download this actionable resource and begin your process of resting deeper, living fuller and leading better.

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Mini Courses from Unhurried Living

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