Unhurried Living

Unhurried Living

Hosted by: Alan Fadling

Many of us feel hurried, and hurry is costing us more than we realize. Unhurried Living provides resources and training to help people learn to live and lead from fullness rather than on empty. Great influence begins...

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Breathe (A 6-Minute Retreat)

Episode #19

BREATHE is a practice you can engage, for about 5 minutes, at any point in your day. It’s a helpful process of re-focusing and re-engaging. You can take a moment to breathe and to find some inner stillness in God’s...
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Suanne Camfield (The Stirring)

Episode #18

Today, I talk with Suanne Camfield, author of The Sound of Million Dreams: Awakening to Who You are Becoming. You’ll enjoy our engaging conversation on the themes of: Being, Presence, Comparison, Becoming, and...
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Real Stories of Solitude & Silence

Episode #17

Today we are talking about Solitude and Silence or what we call Unhurried Time with God. But this is not just a “you should do it” talk. We are going to share stories from our own lives. From early on in our own...
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Casey Tygrett: Becoming Curious (A Spiritual Practice of Asking Questions)

Episode #16

Curiosity is one of the most important qualities in a good leader. We’ve seen the fruit of that counsel in our life and work. Today we share a conversation that Alan enjoyed with Casey Tygrett about his new book,...
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Beth Booram: Spiritual Direction

Episode #15

“As a holy listener …. I have to put myself out of the way, to become humble in the true sense of knowing my place in the order of God’s creation …. above, all, I must be reverent, for I am entrusted with something...
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The Critical Journey

Episode #14

We’ve said before that at the heart of all we do is people. Where are the people? What do they need? How can we help them take their next step? One model we’ve used over the course of our lives is The Critical Journey...
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Pete Scazzero: Emotionally Healthy Leadership

Episode #13

In today’s episode, we share a recent phone conversation I (Alan) had with Pete Scazzero. We focused especially on his most recent book, The Emotionally Healthy Leader. It came out when I was writing the first draft...
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Leading for Transformation

Episode #12

Most of us know how to teach for information, but how do you lead a team or group for transformation? On this week’s podcast we will share with you our approach and our methods, drawing on our 25 years of...
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Scripture as Unhurried Friendship with God (Minisode)

Episode #11

Don't speed read the Bible if you want to sink into the friendship with God you can enjoy there. This podcast shares an unhurried way to engage scripture. In this podcast, I'll share a little personal story about my...
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SLOW - A 5-Minute Retreat (Minisode)

Episode #10

Gem shares a spiritual practice she's developed called, “SLOW.” It is an an acronym for STOP, LINGER, OBSERVE and WONDER. SLOW is a practice you can engage, in just a couple of minutes at any point in your day. It’s a...
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An Unhurried Leader

Episode #9

“We need not have a position of influence to be a person of influence.” This isn’t a book just for people who are in organizational leadership roles. Leaders are influencers. God entrusts to each of us the privilege...
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Unhurried Influence: A Conversation

Episode #8

Alan and Gem traveled to Chatsworth, CA and The Church at Rocky Peak. Alan took part in a conversational sermon with Pastor Dave Cox. Hear the heartbeat of Unhurried Living and get a taste of An Unhurried Leader. The...
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