Unhurried Community - Doable, Sustainable, Transferable
Sep 03, 2020
We have a special message for you. CLICK THE IMAGE below to watch.
Leading unhurried isn’t easy. We know this from experience.
You live in a hurried culture. You might even work in a hurried organization.
You need a community of leaders just like you who want to learn how to follow Jesus’ way of unhurried life and leadership.
We’re going to share with you what matters most to us here at Unhurried Living.
We care about you as a person. We care about you all as a community.
This lies at the heart of everything we offer. We want to help you remember who you are, what matters most, and how to make the space you need to grow in these things.
So, we are refocusing and re-launching our Unhurried Community. And we have repriced it now at only $10 a month. We didn’t want it to be out of any leader’s reach.
We believe this is the beginning of a movement of unhurried leaders.
Women and men who live in the overflow of God’s goodness, learn to stay full, and then serve from an overflowing heart in your families, your friendships, and your work.
We will offer two modules inside the Community:
Gem will facilitate a module called REPLENISH, which is focused on women of influence. Together, we’ll lean into simple patterns of thought and action.
Alan will lead a module called UNHURRIED LEADERS for men and women in leadership who want to enter more fully into leading with more presence, more joy, more peace and less hurry.
Every month, each of us will lead a live zoom gathering together where we’ll pour into you. You’ll receive tools and inspiration to grow in this unhurried way of living and leading.
You’ll learn to practice life and leadership skills that are doable, sustainable and transferable.
Head on over to unhurriedliving.com to learn more and to sign up.
We really want to walk together and these unprecedented times call for more concerted focus.
Let’s do this together!
Join us at unhurriedliving.com!