Podcast 95: Intentional Soul Care (Unhurried Living Dynamic One)
Oct 07, 2019
The statistics on anxiety, depression and stress are becoming more disturbing. According to a recent Gallup poll about 1/3 of the world’s population are feeling stressed and worried. In the U.S. that statistic climbs to about 1⁄2 of the population. Our instant access to world news combined with the pace of our lives and all the vacation time we leave on the table each year—it’s all coming to a detrimental head. We don’t pretend to have all the answers to this global issue, but we do want to do our part to speak into the situation. So over the course of these next few episodes, we’ll be sharing with you some dynamics that we feel are critical to this discussion.
Just this year the New York Times reported on the Gallup 2019 Global Emotions Report. Of 150,000 people surveyed from around the world, America came up among the most stressed people in the world.
This is why the word “unhurried” is so important to us. It is not about doing less or moving slower. It is about the inner pace of our lives. That place where stress wants to move in and take root. We are sharing the great news that you don’t have to be a slave to anxiety, stress and overwhelm. You have a choice, and there is actually a way to live an unhurried life while maintaining and thriving in your relationships and work.
We aren’t the only ones talking about this. From the Huffington Post to Forbes Magazine to Psychology Today, you can find articles that discuss how meditation, rest, silence and solitude can all play an important role in our mental, emotional, relational and workplace health.
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