Podcast 59: Inhaling Grace: 60 Day Unhurried Living Devotional
Oct 07, 2018
Today we look at grace. One of our mentors, Wayne Anderson, often reminded us that we are not
only saved by grace, but we serve by grace, lead by grace, live by grace. In other words, the generous grace of God is not merely a doorway through which we enter this Christian life, but it is the pathway on which we live it.
In this podcast we introduce you to our newest resource, *Inhaling Grace: a 60-Day Unhurried Living Devotional.*
The grace of God is the atmosphere of his kingdom. We live by inhaling grace. These sixty devotionals are drawn from nearly thirty years of Alan's personal journal. The invitation in this devotional is to embark on a journey of being well shepherded by the grace of God. We learn just how surrounded we are by grace, moment to moment, day to day. We invite you to listen and enjoy breathing more deeply in God’s gracious presence.
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