
Podcast 56: Practicing Presence: Moving from Resistant to Relaxed

podcast practice prayer presence relax resistent unhurried living Aug 26, 2018

Sometimes in the middle of ordinary circumstances we can find ourselves resistant (at odds) versus relaxed, with what is occurring, even when there is nothing to be at odds with.

This podcast is about prayer and presence. Not prayers. But prayer. Openness to God in any and every circumstance is prayer. Because, as we’ve said before, prayer is not something you do so much as it is someone you are with.

Presence is key in all of our interactions with others. Learning to catch yourself when you are not fully present can reduce your own stress and can show others that you are completely engaged with them.

We will practice an exercise for bringing ourselves more into the "presence" of our moments. May God be with you as you remain open to him in all circumstances. He will meet you in his ever gracious way, continuing your process of transformation over a lifetime.

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