Podcast 45: Spiritual Friendship - The Power of Sheer Encouragement
Apr 29, 2018
Spiritual friendship is a life-giving gift we give ourselves and others. There are likely people in your life who are struggling with self-doubt, fear or other issues. You can be a loving, listening ear and a quiet voice of encouragement. A simple sentence or two, shared at just the right time, may have a huge payoff in that person’s life. Don’t ever think that what you have to offer is too small. Small things matter. Quiet goodness offered often is a very good thing.
So, we thought would share a bit about what spiritual friendship can look like. We have a few friends that we meet with in different ways. Sometimes as couples, others in one-to-one conversations. We’d like to share the dynamcis of these friendships and how we benefit from this level of friendship.
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