Introducing the Unhurried Living Podcast
Apr 30, 2017
Listen Now - Season 1, Episode 1
Welcome to the Unhurried Living Podcast! Unhurried Living exists to help people rest deeper and live fuller so that they can lead better.
This is the first of eight episodes in Season 1. This season we’ll be talking with influencers such as Doug Fields of Download Youth Ministries, Mindy Caliguire of Soul Care, Jeff Spadafora from Halftime Institute, Carol Taylor, President of Evangel University, Pete Scazzero of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and Todd Hunter of Churches for the Sake of Others.
We can’t wait to share their insights, their experiences and even their wrestling at the intersection of spirituality and work. Alan’s new book, An Unhurried Leader, releases on June 19. And Season 1 leads right up to the launch.
Now, as we always say busy is a matter of calendar and hurry is a matter of soul. Our culture’s fast pace can make it difficult to be present to God, to yourself and to others. We want you to be a person of fruitful influence in every sphere of your life. However, in the midst of all we do, sometimes we’re tempted to frantically take control of situations in hopes of making good things happen. In our writing, our training and now in our podcast, we want to help you deepen the connection between your personal walk with God and the very real demands of your life and work.
As we mentioned earlier, in Season 1, we are focusing on Unhurried Influence to highlight Alan’s upcoming book. So, in these conversations, we will unfold what it means for people to let Jesus set the pace. Through biblical illustrations, personal examples, and on-the-ground practical wisdom, this book and these podcast interviews will guide you into a new view of kingdom influence. Along the way, you just might find that the whole of your life has been transformed into a more livable and fruitful pace.
In season 1, we’ll tackle some key questions:
• How does your life with God inform your relationships and work?
• How do you experience prayer leading to action? And – How do you experience action as the fruit of prayer?
• How do you see spiritual formation and influence as interwoven?
• What challenges do you face in integrating your own spiritual formation and your work?
• What practices help you keep your inner and outer life more integrated and what good fruit does such an integration bear?
Today's episode is a conversation between Alan and Gem. We talk about Unhurried Living and An Unhurried Leader. You'll get to know us a bit and receive some insight into making your way into a more unhurried life.
We hope you’ll join us soon for this first season of the unhurried living podcast. We hope to be a source of encouragement, inspiration, fresh vision and strength for your life.