Podcast 17: Real Stories of Solitude and Silence
Sep 10, 2017
Today we are talking about Solitude and Silence or what we call Unhurried Time with God. But this is not just a “you should do it” talk. We are going to share stories from our own lives. From early on in our own experience and one from within the last month.
We share these with you so you can see how we started out. We were in our late 20s and were just beginning our process of solitude and silence.
Many of us unconsciously resist solitude because we don’t actually want to know what is going on inside of us, much less show it to God. We are also afraid of what he might say. Might give an assignment. Might express disappointment.
We are hoping to encourage you to take whatever next step makes sense for you, whether this is a new practice or not. It’s ok to acknowledge that you are afraid. It’s ok to take a step toward broken or wounded parts of yourself.
Our experience is that, if any of that stuff comes up in a time of solitude, that God is gracious. He will most likely meet you in that place in a way that is do-able for you. We have found that God meets us right where we are. He is not trying to cause further damage. He wants to bring healing. He wants to show you the depths of his love.
But solitude and silence isn't only about facing ourselves. We have found that very often God simply wants to let you know how much he loves you. You can find rest, refreshment and new energy for your life. It is ultimately about relationship, however, and that should always be the focus. Simple presence. God with you and you with God.
If you want to read the full versions of the posts Alan and Gem refer to in this podcast:
My First Experience of Unhurried Time with God (Alan)
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