Embracing the Mystery of Advent
Dec 11, 2024
Blog by Alan Fadling
Advent is a season of waiting and a time to dwell in a sacred mystery. This season draws us back to a story that remains as relevant as it is ancient. It’s the story of God appearing in the flesh—of Immanuel, "God with us." In his first letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul calls this story “the mystery from which true godliness springs (1 Timothy 3:16).” Advent calls us to slow down, to consider the great wonder of this divine mystery, and to ask, Who is Jesus, truly?
In that same passage, Paul speaks about the mystery of Jesus’ arrival as a list of remarkable qualities. These lines read like an ancient creed, reminding us of the solid foundation of the church, the "household of God." Paul lists these truths not as arguments but as declarations of the wondrous reality of Jesus:
- The Incarnate One – “He appeared in the flesh”
- The Spirit-Endorsed One – “was vindicated by the Spirit”
- The Angel-Witnessed One – “was seen by angels”
- The Preached-Among-the-Nations One – “was preached among the nations”
- The World-Trusted One – “was believed on in the world”
- The Glorified One – “was taken up in glory”
Each phrase is a call to remember that our faith is built not on religious ideas but on a Person—one who walked among us and embodies all of what it means to be fully alive. Advent invites us to let go of the tendency to flatten Jesus into mere doctrines, formulas, or distant historical truths. He is not an abstraction or a distant figure. He is the living, breathing embodiment of God’s love and life among us.
Paul’s words remind us that the church is not a building or a program but a people—a household of those living in the light of these truths. The beauty and mystery of Jesus, the foundation of our faith, can infuse our daily lives. How we live as the “church of the living God” is shaped by what we believe about Jesus. Our lives, our actions, and our words flow from our encounter with him.
The word “mystery” as it’s used here is not a riddle to be solved but a reality to be explored and savored. Paul doesn’t break down each phrase in analytical detail but leaves us with the sense of awe and reverence. Like a melody that stirs something deep within, the mystery of Jesus invites us to live not simply with our heads but with our hearts. The incarnation of Jesus Christ is the mystery we celebrate in Advent: God stepping into our world, inviting us into a life beyond our understanding.
As we reflect on these words of Paul, let’s feel the weight and wonder of these truths. Let’s be reminded of how God moves in the world through the Spirit and through us, carrying the story of Jesus to the nations, to our neighborhoods, and to our hearts. Advent is a time to remember, to be amazed, and to invite others to encounter Jesus as he truly is—the incarnate, Spirit-endorsed, angel-witnessed, world-trusted, and glorified Son of God.
Be encouraged this Advent to live in the presence of the mystery of Christ, carrying his story into the world with humility, reverence, and joy.
For Reflection:
- How does the mystery of Jesus appearing in the flesh challenge or deepen my understanding of who he is?
- What practices help me to pause and enter into the wonder of Advent instead of rushing through this season?
- How can I embody the truth and beauty of Christ’s presence in my relationships and actions this Advent?