Love People
Jan 22, 2020
As I’ve been leaning into the new year, one of the themes that has emerged for me is love. Specifically, love people.
For insight and wisdom into love, what better passage to turn to than 1 Corinthians 13? Last week, I took some time in my journal to type up the simple phrases from verses 4-7. We’ll get to that in a minute. But first…
In Peterson’s Message version of verses 1-3, it says that without love we are:
- The creaking of a rusty gate.
- Nothing.
- Bankrupt.
This does not describe how I want to live. How about you?
Today, I invite you to:
- Peruse the bullets below and see if one phrase stands out to you.
- Choose that phrase and determine one small step you could take that leads you in the direction of love.
- Try to be specific. Think of a person you could love in this way.
- Reply to this email and share with me your intention to love. (Just a couple of brief sentences.)
- Then…go…and…love.
Each bullet point has three phrases. The first phrase comes from the NIV, the second from The Message, and the third (in parentheses) is my two cents.
- Love is patient. Love never gives up. (Keeps trying. Doesn’t walk away.)
- Love is kind. Love cares more for others than for self. (Not me, me, me. See others.)
- It does not envy. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. (I already have what I need.)
- It does not boast. Love doesn’t strut. (True humility. Seeing myself rightly.)
- It is not proud. Doesn’t have a swelled head. (Seeing myself in light of God’s grace.)
- It does not dishonor others. Doesn’t force itself on other. (Not pushy. Not against. Let go.)
- It is not self seeking. Isn’t always “me first.” (Take my turn, in humility.)
- It is not easily angered. Doesn’t fly off the handle. (Listen first, not anger first.)
- It keeps no record of wrongs. Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others. (Drop my rocks and walk away.)
- Love does not delight in evil. Doesn’t revel when others grovel. (Empathy with others’ low point.)
- But rejoices with the truth. Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth. (Loves what is real.)
- It always protects. Puts up with anything. (Super long fuse.)
- Always trusts. Trusts God always. (Focus is in the right place.)
- Always hopes. Always looks for the best. (Creatively positive and looks for wheat among the weeds.)
- Always perseveres. Never looks back, but keeps going to the end. (No regrets, no grudges, no fuming. In this for the long haul.)
Let’s be a force of love in this often hurried and sometimes contemptuous culture. This is unhurried leadership at its best. Blessings to you as you determine to be a person of love today.
“Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly.” (1 Cor. 13:13, Message)
P.S. Be sure to listen to our recent Unhurried Living Podcast, episode #109, entitled How to Move Through Fear. One of the main ways we work through our fears is to not avoid them, but to lean into them. An unhurried leader makes this kind of time. Listen in as we unpack these ideas further in #109.