It's About Time
Jun 05, 2019
It’s a big week for the Unhurried Living community. We’re so glad you’re part of it. We write these weekly emails, produce our biweekly podcasts and, really, do everything else we do to help you enter into the unhurried way of life and work that Jesus invites us into.
One of the realities at the heart of this unhurried way is our very view of time itself. There are many cultural assumptions about time that we are bringing into the light and seeking to see against the backdrop of God’s good and unhurried kingdom. “Busy is always better” may not be the good news some assume it to be.
On Monday of this week, two things happened. First, the digital doors of An Unhurried Community opened and our first members began to take advantage of the resource library full of digital downloads, resource videos, and online courses.
If you haven’t already, we hope you’ll visit the Community page and consider joining this growing Christian leadership movement.
Every week, we love meeting individually with leaders in spiritual direction. Last week, we led a day retreat for leaders here in Southern California rooted in the theme of my latest book, Inhaling Grace. On Saturday, Alan led a men’s retreat for a church in North San Diego county. We love doing this work, but we can only do so much of it in person.
An Unhurried Community enables us to give the best of what we have to offer in an online environment. If you don’t happen to live in Southern California, we can still share what we’re learning in a way that we believe will be just as powerful and as impactful as meeting in person.
The second thing that happened on Monday is that our latest podcast episode posted. This week, we touch a key theme we’re going to address in the Community right off the bat: our unhelpful assumptions about time. The episode is titled “Refreshing our Vision of Time: Dealing With Hurry Sickness.”
The more we work with Christian leaders in a lot of different organizational settings, the more we believe that our assumptions about time are a critical issue. We have more freedom than we think. We have more power than we believe. We have more authority than we realize.
What we do with our time is not out of our control.
Let us help you understand and cultivate a more unhurried heart and mind as it relates to your vision of time. Over time, this new view will lead to greater creativity and true productivity.
Experience with us the freedom and empowerment we’ve been discovering. We’ve developed some strategic new insights that we can’t wait to share with the Community.