A Day Full of New
Jan 01, 2020
Today is a new day, a new year, and a new decade all at once. So much “new.” The kingdom of God is like that. So much new--renewal, restoration, refreshment, new life.
One of the ways I’ve been feeling this lately is in the spirit of Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians:
“Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day (4:16).”
Wasting away seems like pretty strong language for the realities of aging, but I have noticed outward diminishments as a get older. I experience moments when my balance, or my strength, or my endurance isn’t what it once was. My youthful full head of hair has been replaced by a head that seems better off shaven. My body is, I guess, “wasting away.”
But my inner person feels like it’s getting younger while my body gets older. This is the trajectory of spiritual maturity. I’m learning to be a bit more child-like in relation to my cares. I’m learning to welcome joy that bubbles up from within me. I’m learning to live in the moment. These are things that children usually find natural.
For Reflection
What about you? Are there ways you are experiencing this inward renewal in the midst of outward aging?
Is there anything you want to say “Thank you” for? Or “help” about? Or maybe just a hearty “Wow”?
In this new year, Gem and I send along our prayer that a rich sense of the freshness and vitality of God-with-us might bless you and encourage you this week.
Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash