Are You a Ticket Holder
May 28, 2020
One of the joys of my life before COVID was traveling. I love visiting other countries, each with its own diverse culture and beautiful people.
Last year, prior to our anniversary trip to Europe, Alan and I crafted a detailed plan of all of the sites we would visit. We researched, made reserverations, and printed out tickets with confirmation numbers on them.
Everywhere we went we had guaranteed entrance. Our tickets proved that we had paid the price and could enter the site.
At one point, as I was looking down at one of the tickets I wondered about the dynamics of being a ticket holder to not just the site…but to my own life.
Wherever I go, do I act as though I should be there or am I shackled by self-doubt? Do I enter with holy confidence or am I hamstrung by fear? Do I engage with assured presence or am I pressed down by anxiety?
What if an “I am a beloved child of God” ticket was in my hand and I could use it at will. Like an eternal park hopper pass at Disneyland. Or like a never-ending entrance to the Cathedral in Florence.
Of course, I don’t need to wonder—because I am a beloved child of God. Jesus assures me of this. This isn’t in question.
How about this: the next time you stand on the threshold of a new opportunity, and fear raises its ugly head, look down into your hand and see your “I am a beloved child of God” ticket. Then proceed to enter in like any ticket holder would.
The next time you need to set a healthy boundary, look down into your hand, see your ticket, remember you are loved, and then continue to make your way.
The next time you want to enter more deeply into an unhurried way of life, and anxiety about your value-apart-from-production pops up, notice the ticket in your hand, and move forward.
Confidence in my belovedness can be at least as sure as when I hold a ticket to a concert and I know I’ll get in the door.
If this is a struggle for you, you are not alone. Our belovedness takes a beating in many possible ways: family dynamics, culture, or even our own negative thoughts can make this difficult.
AND…you can make headway, one small, simple and gracious step at a time. What will that look like for you today?
There’s a ticket in your hand…what will you do with it?
Photo by Elijah Chen on Unsplash