An Unhurried Lent


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During Lent, some people choose to fast from something as part of their preparation for the celebration of Easter. Some give up certain foods. Others give up certain entertainments. We invite you to consider refraining from common sorts of soul hurry for Lent this year.

Readings on the theme of Inhaling Grace will support you day by day. Grace is an unhurried reality. God, in his grace, is in no rush with us. Perhaps over the course of this season of Lent, we’ll learn to “grow in grace” as the scriptures encourage us to do.

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"Through these daily reflections and questions, Alan invites us into the journey of keeping intimate company with Jesus, the journey of keeping in step with Jesus’ unhurried rhythms of grace as he shepherds us into deeper, more abundant life and healing and freedom and transformation into his likeness. The journey takes us into deeper obedience and faithfulness, too. We’re called to walk the narrow way, and that way is hard. But the path is graced. So breathe deeply. And enjoy the journey."

Sharon Garlough Brown
Author of the Sensible Shoes Series

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