Slow Down. Live More.
With the overwhelming pace of life, many of us struggle to stop long enough to be present. In this book, Alan Fadling offers six devotionals for each week of the year, each one an invitation to slow down and be present with the movement of God in your everyday life.
Will you accept God’s call to welcome a year of slowing down?
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Each reading in this book is like a daily five-minute retreat, inviting you to discover and treasure the unhurried pace of God.
In our hurried culture, we often overvalue work and undervalue rest. Both are gifts of God to be received at the unhurried pace of love, grace, joy and peace.
Too often we live our lives more at the pace of the culture in self-interest, drivenness, empty excitement and anxiety.
These daily readings are a chance to encounter the fruitful reality of God’s unhurried way with us.
Rather than hurry, this book I’m seeking to share experiences from following the unhurried way of God and convictions that have grown in me about its greater fruitfulness than the multiplying of activity after activity.
Alan Fadling has spent years coaching leaders and communities how to live an unhurried life, teaching that productivity and success are not our chief end, but rather living at the pace that our true self longs to live.
Designed to help you center your day around God's loving presence, A Year of Slowing Down offers six devotionals for each week of the year. Each day begins with a Scripture passage followed by a short reading and a reflection question.
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“These devotionals had their beginnings in my personal journal. I began to practice the regular discipline of spiritual journaling in my twenties. Since then, I’ve journaled thousands of pages and millions of words. My journal is a place where I wrestle, meditate, reflect, create, and, in it all, pray. It’s a place where I acknowledge the presence of God with me. I trust that the Spirit of God with me along the way will be with you as you read.”
- Alan Fadling, author of A Year of Slowing Down

About the Author
Alan Fadling is president and founder of Unhurried Living, Inc. in California. He speaks and consults internationally with organizations such as Saddleback Church, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Cru, Halftime Institute, Apprentice Institute, and Open Doors International.
He is the award-winning author of An Unhurried Leader and An Unhurried Life, which was honored with a Christianity Today Award of Merit in spirituality. He is also coauthor (with Gem Fadling) of What Does Your Soul Love? and the host of the Unhurried Living podcast.
Order Your Copy Now"The brilliance in this book cannot be overstated. Resting takes time. Lord knows, it takes great grace as well. When Israel came out of Egypt, it took a long time to learn the new rhythms of God under the lordship of Yahweh. This book invites us to a conversion of rhythm. And if you are like any of us, it may take a whole year. Highly recommended."
A. J. Swoboda, assistant professor of Bible, theology, and world Christianity at Bushnell University, author of After Doubt
"I can't think of anyone better than Alan Fadling to lead us on these five-minute daily retreats that he has provided.
Far from being escape moments, these times will help us sink more deeply into reality."
Jan Johnson, president of Dallas Willard Ministries and author of Abundant Simplicity
"Don't be fooled by the title of this book into thinking it's about slowing down the pace of your life so you can 'smell the flowers' or somehow break away from the world. It's about adopting a pace of life that allows you to listen to the Scripture more fully, with your mind as well as your heart. That is what Alan has done in the writing of this book. He models it for us on every page. If this is the result of a deliberately unhurried pace, then I'm in!"
Michael Card, musician and author of Scribbling in the Sand